If you find that the tracking result information indicates that your parcel is under "Alert" status, it means your item might undergo unusual shipping conditions. This may be due to several reasons: refusal by the recipient, absence of the recipient, expiry of collection deadline, customs issues/or item loss, damage, etc.
Articles in this section
- What can't I send via international airmail method?
- How fast is my parcel going to be received by the recipient?
- How do I know the shipping carrier or shipping method?
- How do I confirm if my parcel has been received by the recipient?
- Why was my parcel returned back to me? How do I get it?
- Why is my parcel under "Alert" status? What does that mean?
- "Tracking status not updated in over 30 days”, how to deal with it?
- I have posted a parcel 3 days ago, why it’s "Not found" in your system?
- My parcel was sent a long time ago; why the recipient still hasn't received it?