Yes, we can confirm if a tracking number is valid or not according to the tracking number format for most of these carriers. However, we cannot confirm whom the parcel belongs to.
Before placing an order online, always be careful on your selection of suppliers. Use due diligence in researching them before committing yourself to them. Never forget to choose those online platform/stores with high reputations and have good buyer-protection.
Kindly be noted that 17TRACK is an open website for tracking shipments of more than 500 delivery providers. If you have placed an order and are looking for information on this particular ORDER, besides the information that displays on our website, there's no additional information can be given to you via 17TRACK. We request that you contact the retailer/sender where you placed your order for further assistance. As a third party, An All-In-One Package tracking platform, we cannot be held accountable for delivery of this package, or associated with any online merchants.